The Firm

As a design firm, DP Design (DPD) takes a holistic approach to interior spaces, a direct response to a building’s intrinsic architectural and formal relationships. At DPD, interior architects create environments that seamlessly integrate people, architecture, technology and the ultimate purpose of the space. The practice at DPD, therefore, transcends superficial interior decoration. Its designs endeavour to preserve and enhance the natural behaviour of a building, working with project-specific materials, lighting conditions and planning techniques.

In doing so, DPD works closely with the architects during building conception, playing a critical role in helping to layout and plan the overall building so as to express and achieve specific internal conditions. Internal spaces of completed buildings, on the other hand, are re-examined and re-worked by DPD to achieve a functionality and personality that correspond with the existing architecture.

And it is the intimate participation and exchange between DPD’s designers and architects during the formation of a building’s interior design that allow a building’s character and functionality to be realised to its fullest potential. Indeed, the result achieved strengthens a visitor’s likelihood of identifying with it. While the firm supports DP Architects in achieving holistic design practices, it also takes on a collaborative approach with other reputable architects, though it remains highly selective over the type of projects it takes on. At DPD, every line and every corner is thoroughly thought through as they take pride in the results of this diligence, acquitting themselves as designers.

Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (Novena), Singapore
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Block 51, Singapore
Cinemaxx Junior, Indonesia